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Lapas karte
الدراسة في الخارج
 التعليم الثانوي في الخارج
  New Zealand
  Great Britain
  Arab Emirates
 التعليم العالي في الخارج
   St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University
   RUDN – People’s Friendship University of Russia
   Tomsk Polytechnic University
   Moscow Power Engineering Institute
   Moscow State University
   The Northern (Arctic) Federal University
   Higher School of Economics
  Latvia (EU)
   Riga Technical University
   Information Systems Management Institute
   Riga Stradins University
   School of Business Administration "Turiba"
   Pre-university programme + degree programme
   RISEBA University
   Seattle Central Community College
   Florida International University
   University of California, Irvine
   New York Film Academy
   Istituto Marangoni
   Istituto Superiore di Design Napoli
   The University of Sydney
   NOVA Institute of Technology
  New Zealand
   International Pacific College
   Thompson Rivers University
   Seneca College
  Great Britain
   University of West London
   Glyndwr University, University of Wales
   London South Bank University
   VIA University College
   IBA - International Business Academy
  Lithuania (EU)
  South Africa
  Czech Republic
   HZ University of Applied Sciences
   Saxion University of Applied Sciences
   The Crimea State Medical University
   National Aviation University of Ukraine
   Odessa National Maritime University
   Ivano-Frankovsk National Medical University
   Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
   New Media Technology College
   European University Cyprus
   University of Central Lancashire
   Alexander College (University of the West of England)
   City Unity College (Cardiff Metropolitan University)
 التعليم عن بعد
  Information Systems Management Institute
 برامج التبادل الثقافى
 Scholarships available
  SHOLARSHIP with London School of Business & Finance! Get your MBA for a discounted price! APPLY till JUNE 30!
Translation and legal services
عن لينك تورز
 معرض أكاديمية مصر 2010 يوم 6 و7 ديسمبر بالقاهرة و 8 ديسمبر بالإسكندرية
 TOP UK DEGREE - MBA programme
 Excellent higher education opportunities – Latvia (European Union)
 عرض خاص! برامج المنح الدراسية والتعليم عن بعد كلاً من أوكرانيا، روسيا، لاتفيا والمملكة المتحدة
 Join for free seminars on education in Europe
 الآن يمكنك الحصول على شهادة أوروبية وأنت فى منزلك، لمزيد من المعلومات عن فرص التعليم عن بعد
 المدرسة الدولية الصيفية الروسية بجامعة الصداقة بين الشعوب بروسيا
 لأول مرة فى مصر المعرض الدولى إى تو للدراسة فى الخارج بالقاهرة من 12-13 أكتوبر
 ندوة إعلامية! يمكنك الآن الحصول على شهادة أوروبية بسعر مغرى - من خلال التعليم العالى فى لاتفيا
 عرض خاص المعسكر الصيفى أوديسى لتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية باليونان
 مرحبا بكم فى موقعنا الإلكترونى الجديد
 Unique opportunity! Join the free seminar on higher education in Europe - 12 June 2011!
 SUMMER CAMPS abroad for children (7-18) in UK, Greece, Turkey, Germany! Apply now and join the adventure!
 SCHOLARSHIPS at Glyndwr University, University of Wales (UK) for the academic year 2011/12! APPLY NOW!
 STUDY in LATVIA - read a report on higher education in Latvia!
 LEARN GERMAN in Cairo: individually & in groups!
 Our new partner in Ireland - NEW MEDIA TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE! Study Fim Production, Journalim, Music Technology, Interactive Media, Photography
 STUDY for your Bachelor or Master in Russia & Ukraine! Tuition fees from 1155 EUR/year! APPLY NOW for September 2011!
 SCHOLARSHIPS at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Moscow) for September 2011 start! APPLY NOW!
 SPECIAL OFFER! Book 2 weeks or more of English courses at Anglo-Continental in Bournemouth (UK) between 3 October 2011 and 23 December 2011 and bring your friend for FREE!
 GERMAN course starts October 9 in Cairo! Sign up and get a discount 100 LE!
 ENGLISH course starts October 8 in Cairo! Sign up and get a discount 200 LE!
 IELTS Preparation course starts October 15 in Cairo! Sign up and get a discount 200 LE!
 WINTER CAMPS for schoolchildren aged 8-18 in England (Cambridge) and Switzerland (Verbier)! HAVE A LOOK!
 STUDY in LATVIA - Join the seminar on 6 October at 19:00! Your chance to APPLY for studies in February 2012!
 JOIN us for the meeting with Loiuse Eaden, representative of University of Central Lancashire (UK) - 12 October at 18:00!
 APPLY to University of Ulster! Get a British Degree! SCHOLARSHIPS available!
 JOIN Bournemouth University Summer School 2013! EXPERIENCE studying in the UK!
 CERTIFICATE in BUSINESS at West London College! 4 or 8 week course in London in Summer 2013!
 Get British education without leaving your country! DISTANCE Learning at Derby University! Flexible courses, fees and start dates!
 APPLY NOW to COVENTRY UNIVERSITY London Campus! Get your Master or Bachelor degree from one of the leading UK business schools!
 Study in USA! APPLY to NEW YORK Film Academy!
 Study in LONDON at WORLD CLASS Glyndwr University!
 JOIN "Study in Europe" seminar - CAIRO
 FANTASTIC OFFER - International English summer camp in Latvia
 Spend 3 days in February 2016 at one of Holland university for free!
 LOW COST study options for September 2016 in EUROPE
 JOIN "Study in Europe" seminar - ALEXANDRIA
 Student Testimonials
 International English summer camp "ENGLISH EXPLORER"
 JOB GUARANTEED! Study Robotics in Latvia!
كورسات اللغات في الخارج
اختبر لغتك الانجليزية
 اختبار الاجابات
 نتائج اختبارات
 English test
معسكر صيفى للاطفال في الخارج
 Greece (English language camp)
 Malta (English language camp)
 Switzerland (English/French/German)
 Winter camps
كورسات اللغات في مصر الغردقة
 English language
  English from Arabic
  English from Russian
  English from German
  English from English
 Arabic language
  Arabic from English
  Arabic from Arabic
 Russian language
  Russian from English
  Russian from Arabic
  Russian from German
  Russian from Russian
 German language
  German from English
  German from Russian
  German from German
 French language
  French from Arabic
  French from Russian
  French from English
  French from French
 Polish language
 IELTS preparation courses
 Language courses in Cairo
  German language in Cairo
  English language in Cairo
  IELTS preparation
 Language courses in Hurghada
 What our students say
 Where our students study
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